Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Then End....?

So now that we've covered most of the main topics in a general Marketing class, as well as some of my ideas and rants, and lots of videos that amused me, I'd like to end by sharing some immages and my ideas about them
First: The 1950's Advertising

There is someting nostalic and almost innocent in my mind about the old style of advertising. The ads were simply telling you how great a product was, or how useful or how much fun. I like that, as opposed to the shark infested water of today's marketing world, where you have to know the sharks are there ready to eat you simply to make a good purchase and not be fooled by fancy gimicks.
Second: Humor and Iconic Images

I think that the two most powerful marketing ploys used are emotional (often thought of as sappy) and humor. This two marketing stragies can build a relationship between a brand and a costumer, and can ensure that the customer won't forget the product. I personally perfer humor, because it bothers me to know that someone is purposefully tweaking my emotions to get me to identify with their product. However, some consumers LOVE the telephone ads that make them cry.

Third: Pricing is Important

How you price you product can determine whether or not it sells, and if it is considered reliable or not. Malt-O-Meal is a very reliable and old brand, just as old and reliable as more expensive brands such as General Mills. But instead of paying for expensive commercials, they keep their product prices low, and expect customers to chose the lower price product often enough to make the company money. This pricing stragedy has worked for decades for the company.

Four:Marketing is about understanding your Market

This product is not sold in the U.S. but is very popular is Asian countries. Understanding what country you are in and what this country wants and needs instead of assuming all countries want the same thing is vital in marketing. Having a good understanding of different world cultures, tabboos, and the sociol psychology of each country will make a marketer a success.

And that concludes the Marketing Adventures of this blogger....for right now....
Finally, for your consideration, would you purchase a action figure that glittered, and was a vampire, and was, well, this?


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